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Venue: The Grand Hotel Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
We are glad to inform you that 4th Edition of Leathertech Fair 2016 is going…
Venue: Bay Footwear Limited
Venue: COEL, Dewan Plaza, Pallibiddut, Kaliakoir, Gazipur
Venue: LFMEAB Conference Room, 9th Floor, Erectors House, 18th Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka.
Venue: LFMEAB Conference Room, 9th Floor, Erectors House, 18th Kemal Ataturk Avenue, Banani, Dhaka.
Venue: Six Seasons Hotel, Hemonto Hall, Road 96, House 19, Gulshan 2, Dhaka. Time: 6:30…
the 12th Annual General Meeting of Leathergoods And Footwear Manufactures & Exporters Association of Bangladesh…