Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) has commenced a new initiative on Saturday 01 August 2015, to further the vision of making Bangladesh Leather sector Green and sustainable.
In addition to its regular compliance drive, LFMEAB has undertaken a collaborative project titled “Implementation of Environmental Management Systems and Eco-Labelling Schemes in the SMEs of the Leather Sector in Bangladesh” (ECOLEBAN), a EU funded Switch Asia project, jointly implemented by TECNALIA Research & Innovation, and LFMEAB along with two other associations: BTA & BFLLFFA. The Aim of this initiative is to help factories achieving sustainable system of production and thereby obtaining ISO 14001 certification.
In order to introduce the goal of this initiative, LFMEAB organized a Workshop on ISO 14001 and explained the process of achieving it. The Workshop entitled “Benefits and Implications of the ISO 14001 in the Bangladeshi Leather Sector” was held at COEL Premises, Dewan Plaza, Holding #E-20, Word #7, Pallibiddut, Chandra, Gazipur, from 10:30 PM to 1:30 PM.
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(Financial Express)