Under the initiative- support for the development of the value added leather products (footwear and leather goods) clusters and value chain- Leathergoods & Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) arranged an Inauguration Ceremony of 2 month-long training of trainers (TOT) program for newly appointed Common Facility Centres (CFC) technical staff in COEL Centre, Gazipur, Dhaka on 2nd June 2015. The training program will continue for 2 months which will be facilitated by the expert training pool of COEL.
More than 15 CFC technical staff- Lead Trainer, Asst. Trainer, Machine Operators, and CAD/CAM Instructor- from Leather Technologist Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (LTSE) Cooperative Society Limited and Bangladesh Paduka Prostutkarak Samity (BPPS) are going to be trained.
Participants are expected to be trained up with knowledge and skills, so that they could able to deliver Skill development training to amplify the skilled and experienced worker to leather sector. Participants will also learn a mix of theory and hands-on experiences regarding operational knowledge and maintenance of sophisticated CFC machineries throughout the training. Thus LFMEAB initiative will play the duo role in sector development- developing skills and creating employment opportunity.