LFMEAB Official Selected for Training of AOTS, Japan
Mr. Md-Mamun-Or-Rashid, Manager, of Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) is…
Mr. Md-Mamun-Or-Rashid, Manager, of Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) is…
To learn more about the trainer advertisement click the given link titled “Recruitment Lead Trainer…
Please click the link to learn more about the non-leather titled “Notice for Quotation for…
Please click the given link to learn more about the uploaded file titled “Admission to…
Six member factories of Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) have…
To learn more about the vacancy announcement shared in the site please click the link…
The Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh. (LFMEAB) is the recognized trade…
The Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh. (LFMEAB) is the recognized trade…
Mr. President of Leathergoods And Footwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) speaks and…
The Sustainable Leather Foundation (SLF) has recently awarded Austan Limited and Picard (Bangladesh) Limited an…